Friends or enemies? We're not quite sure...

Paw Prints

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Breaks are Times of Reflection

I've been sitting in this house, trying to get my thoughts together for days. It seems like every time I sit down to write, be it fiction, blog, letter, whatever, I can't channel a single ounce of anything eloquent or useful.

I used to feel so powerful about my writing, like it was a part of me, like it flowed from the deepest part of my being. Now, that place feels fractured and small, hard to focus on one small task or idea.

Oh, I feel the inspiration all right, but it's like a wave crashing over me instead a stream I can direct or channel into something worth while. I often think it is because I don't have enough time to myself, time to think or time to gather my thoughts. But I have had whole summers and weeks over winter breaks where I have hours and days to think and wool gather. Still, my thoughts seem like the shards of scattered glass that used to be a window into my soul.

If I could write, I think, what would I write about? So often I feel a deep urge to write, yet when I do nothing I cared about monumentally moments before seems worth the effort of even tapping it onto the keyboard.

So here it is.
If I could write, this is what I would write about:

I would write about how much I miss my friend who died in a crash two years ago. How I think of her often even though I didn't think we were close at the time she died.

I would write about how hard it is to grow up and realize that even when you've "made it" with a job and a husband and a mortgage, it's still hard just to get through the day.

I would write about how beautiful the snow looks when it covers the ground in winter. How the purple shadows cast everything into beautiful relief. How even a single flake takes me back to my college days when I felt so confident and free. I would write about the blank slate of the white ground that allows my puppy to write his existence in paw prints as he dashes through the snow.

I would write about the joy of owning a dog and a cat and how stressful being responsible for other living creatures can be.

I would write about how important family is to me now. How hard it is to wonder where my brother will go after college, if I will go back to seeing him twice a year. I would write about how hard it is to watch my husband's family struggle with their move and their sick daughter.

I would write about every character that lurks in the shadows, down country lanes and in shady groves of elm trees. I would write their every love affair and every flaw, along with their joys and sorrows and fears.

I would, if I could, but that gift is gone from me it seems.
So instead, here is a picture of my animals looking cozy over winter break. Perhaps they can speak for me.